Your Three Words
I did it. After almost 10 years of having insanely long hair, I decided to cute it all off! And no, I was not looking for the "mom bob" at all. After having Quinny I totally suffered from the traumatic hair loss that so many people talk about. I thought I was good, but then around 3 months after giving birth, BAM! All my hair started thinning. No bueno. I usually curled my hair every morning in big loose curls. Big loose curls do not look so good on thin, stringy hair. It was just all being weighed down. So I decided, why not donate some hair and kind of start new? So I did! 10 inches of it. But boy does it feel great! It looks a little wonky right now because when she styled it she put curling stuff in it, so it was big and wavy and voluminous looking, but this morning i straightened it a little. It was definitely time for a new do and I am so happy I could donate it! (Although I feel bad for the person who ends up with my hair).

So cute! Love it!