Bumpdate: 14 Weeks!

Quinn obviously was more interested in the popsicle that we bribed her with to get her in this photo!

14 WEEKS! Seriously? Where the heck?

I was this size with Quinn at about 22 weeks. The carb consumption this time around has been about the same with Quinn. The only thing that makes me feel better is bread. Bagels. Sticky buns. (Oh, sticky buns.) But I kind of expected it. I am up 8 pounds so far, which seems like a lot but I was up around 14 with Quinn at this point! I gained 40 with her, so I'm not too worried. Once I don't feel like crap all the time I usually go back to eating semi healthy. (ha!)

Exhausted doesn't even cover how I have been feeling. I can fall asleep at 8 and feel there is no way I am getting out of bed that day.

I think my lack of nesting last time has caused me to spin into an out of control organization kick! I even tackled some of the garage this week. If you saw my garage you would understand the shock.

What I am craving most is an ice, ice, ice cold beer. Damnit. 

Overall, I am happy to be getting the 1st trimester out of the way and begin the countdown to October 5th when we find out what this little bambino is!


  1. Most adorable pregnant woman ever! Love ya mama!

  2. So cute! Love that you are getting Quinn involved, really sweet!!!

  3. This is so adorable! Love quinn, Love you, Love all your cute qoutes <3

  4. I am so happy for you! You look incredible!

  5. Awesome you look fantastic! I am due in early March! www.wegotthefunk1.com


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