Clean Eating | Homemade Turkey Burgers!

Can I just say eating healthy is exhausting?! And expensive! Something is wrong with America when I can get 78 boxes of Pop Tarts for the same price as 10 chicken breasts.

I have been on a clean eating kick for about 2 weeks now, and I have to's been pretty great! There are a ton of options if you do a little research and I honestly don't mind eating a lot of the same things every day. 

Turkey burgers are my go to lunch/snack. Because one package of ground turkey makes about 5 turkey burgers I usually use them in wraps and sides and I even tossed some in my morning breakfast scramble the other day. Obviously these things aren't the greatest tasting in the world....but let me introduce you to my absolute new obsession.

I am quite the fan of anything chip and dip related and I can honestly say....this stuff tastes just as good as any other french onion dip I've tried.

And it's 25 calories for 2 TABLESPOONS!

I use this for a lot. I dip my veggies in it, use it as a spread when I make my turkey burger wraps. It's amazing...high recommend!

Back to the turkey burgers....This is all you need!

  • One lb of ground turkey
  • One egg
  • Chopped up onion
  • Chopped up bell pepper
  • salt/pepper/garlic
  • As much Frank's red hot as you like
Mash it all in a bowl and your done! I know a lot of people bake these in the oven, but I use my Cuisinart grill for everything so I just threw those puppies on there and they were done in 10 minutes.

Not the prettiest looking thing, but definitely tasty! Am I the only one that puts Frank's on everything?


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